Thursday, November 5, 2015

One of My Favorite On-The-Go Products!

I want to share with you one of my current favorite products that I use almost every day!

The Travel EnviroCloths!! I don't know what I did without them!

Norwex EnviroCloths can remove up to 99% of bacteria with just the cloth and water! This fantastic 4 pack is wonderful for on the go!

How do I use them? Where do I start!!

Restaurant Tables
Restaurant High Chairs
Shopping Carts
Car Seat Clean Up
Air Planes
School Desks
And so, so much more!!

So you are probably thinking, I use sanitizer wipes, they also remove bacteria! Have you ever read the directions on the back of the container? Do you know for most brands you need to use enough wipes to leave the surface visibly wet for 4 entire minutes?? Then it needs to air dry. Then and only then is the surface free of bacteria! So you know when you walk into a store and grab a sanitizer wipe and wipe the cart down, throw it out, and off you go shopping.... you really did nothing to help with getting rid of the bacteria!!

Instead, next time try one of the Travel EnviroCloths. We even make a handy reusable wet wipes bag with two pockets, one for dry cloths and one for wet. Wet a cloth down prior to leaving your house, put it in your reusable wet wipes bag and head to the store. Wipe down the cart when you get there and go on your way, knowing the cart is clean!!

I love this product and I know you will too!

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