Monday, November 16, 2015

Host a Norwex Party in December!

The Holiday season is a busy time of the year, we all know that! That is why we have made it super easy to host your own Norwex party online! The time commitment is minimal - 30 minutes! All you have to do is invite people and "be present" online during your 30 minute party!! 

Norwex is very generous with their host program! You have the opportunity to earn a lot of free Norwex product! Check out the December Host Specials below! Depending on your sales you will earn the indicated letters of free product. Also, depending on the number of buying guests you will earn additional free products! Lastly, you will earn a percentage of total sales in free money to spend on whatever products you would like! You can earn all of this for FREE without spending a penny! 

Interested?? Sign-up to host a party here OR comment below!!! 

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