Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January Mystery Host Event!

Join me for my monthly Norwex Mystery Host Party!!

What is a Mysetery Host Party? 
It means that one person (a friend, family member, or even a stranger) will win the grand prize of ALL of the host benefits from the party!! 

What does this mean? 
Someone from this party will be eligible to win the mop system, EnviroWand, Entry May, Laundry Soap, Make-Up Cloths, and more (thats right, if you win, you win ALL of the host benefits*). My average host walks away with over $400 in free products. This means one of you will walk away with all of that awesome product!!

What do you need to do?
1. RSVP "GOING" for one entry into the raffle drawing. JOIN HERE
2. Show up (online) during the even for one entry into the raffle drawing.
3. Make a purchase for one entry into the grand prize drawing.
4. Book a party for 3 entires into the grand prize drawing (Bonus: Book a party in January for 5 entries into the grand prize drawing)

This is easy! RSVP and show up on Monday night at 8:30 PM to learn all about Norwex and the benefits of eliminating chemicals from your home! The party will only last 30 minutes!

Not into cleaning? That's okay! We have lots of great products for personal care, pet lovers, men, gym enthusiasts, foodies, children, and more!

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!! Someone is going to win BIG!!

Raffle Prizes:
1. EnviroCloth (green)
2. Body Cloth (teal)
Grand Prize: ALL of January Host Benefits from the Party

*host benefits are based on total subtotal A sales fo the party.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know about this superb party. Thank you so much for sharing these brilliant photos. I am looking for such spacious local event venues Chicago for organizing our company’s event. This time I have to arrange the party.
